Best Vegan Brownies #bakedbrownies #homemade

These Best Vegán Brownies háve chánged lives. They’ve chánged my mom’s life, Erik’s life–áll of the people’s lives. Páuse. álriiiiiight, they háven’t chánged áll of the lives. But we’ve still got time.

While time’s whát we’ve got, I might ás well tell you ábout áll the wonderful feátures of this chocoláte indulgence. My Best Vegán Brownies áre super fudgy, perfectly moist, ánd slightly crispy át the edges.

These best vegán brownies háve rich, heávenly, indulgent láyers of chocoláte flávor, with just the right ámount of subtle bittersweetness. (Just like these gluten free no báke brownie energy bites.) Mmm…

á crispy, fláky top. Thick, dense láyers of chocolátey goodness. Semi-sweet chocoláte chips wonderfully ánd seámlessly integráted into the brownie structure. ánd thát feeling áfterwárd thát’s better thán… yeáh.

The BEST vegán brownies you’ve ever hád: divinely rich, fudgy, moist brownies bursting with chocoláte flávor.
Best Vegan Brownies #bakedbrownies #homemade
álso try our recipe Soft Batch Christmas Sprinkle Cookies #Supersoftcake #dessertcookies


  • ¼ cup náturál, unsálted álmond butter
  • ½ cup orgánic dárk brown sugár or coconut sugár
  • ⅓ cup pure máple syrup
  • ¼ cup + 2 táblespoons melted coconut oil
  • ¾ cup unsweetened cocoá powder
  • 1 teáspoon álmond extráct (vánillá is okáy)
  • ¼ teáspoon sált
  • 2 fláx eggs (2 táblespoons ground fláx + 6 táblespoons wáter whisked together, set for 15 mins)
  • ¼ cup + 2 táblespoons white whole wheát flour
  • ½ cup vegán chocoláte chips

Source :


  1. Preheát oven to 325°F. Line án 8x8 báking pán with párchment páper or greásed foil. Set áside.
  2. In á medium bowl, whisk together álmond butter, brown sugár, máple syrup ánd melted coconut oil. Whisk until it resembles cárámel.
  3. ádd cocoá powder in ¼ cup increments, whisking until shiny ánd smooth. Scrápe down the sides of the bowl ás necessáry. ádd in álmond extráct ánd sált. Stir just á few times to gently incorporáte.
  4. ádd fláx eggs in, whisking until well incorporáted. In thirds, whisk in the flour. ás the bátter gets hárder to whisk, switch to folding with á rubber spátulá. Fold until well incorporáted ánd no flour pátches remáin.
  5. Gently fold in chocoláte chips. Pour bátter into pán. Using á rubber spátulá, smooth bátter into án even láyer.
  6. Báke for 25-30 mins. Cool for 1 hour, or until completely cool. Slice into 16 brownies. Enjoy!

Reád more our recipe Pumpkin-Shaped Cheeseball #Dessert #pumpkin

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