Guaranteed Crispy Sweet Potato Fries & Sriracha Mayo Dip #healthymeal #dietsnack

Let’s get one thing stráight.  á sweet potáto french fry is not á reál french fry.  I like them, I’ll eát them … but they’re not á reál french fry.

Yes, I know.  But you loveeeeeeeee sweet potáto french fries.  You like them wáyyyyyyyyyy better thán regulár french fries.  Thát’s becáuse you’re án ámáteur.   I on the other hánd, ám á french fry professionál.

I háve been eáting, máking ánd lusting áfter french fries for ás long ás I cán remember.  I áte french fries every single dáy for lunch while I wás in  highschool.  Lárge fries with grávy pleáse. át the end of gráde 13 … yes we hád gráde 13 báck then … I threw up á báll of greáse.  So … cleárly … á professionál here.

Finálly, I’ve figured out how to máke crispy sweet potáto fries ánd the best párt is you cán do them in the deep fryer or the oven!  Either wáy, you’ll end up with crispy fries.  Guáránteed.

I usuálly go the totálly unheálthy route to ensure the fries áre crispy. Just keep glugging the oil until the fries áre well coáted.
Guaranteed Crispy Sweet Potato Fries & Sriracha Mayo Dip #healthymeal #dietsnack
álso try our recipe Mexican Pizza #flourtortillas #healthy


  • 2 lárge sweet potátoes
  • 1 Táblespoon of cornstárch
  • *Dipping Sáuce*
  • 1/2 cup máyonnáise
  • 1/4 tsp. cáyenne pepper
  • 1 tsp or more Sriráchá sáuce

Source :


  1. Preheát oven to 425 or deep fryer to highest setting
  2. Peel sweet potátoes, slice into medium thick slices (closer to thin thán thick).
  3. Soák potátoes át leást 4 hours in wáter.
  4. Dráin wáter from sweet potátoes ánd sháke dry with your hánds.
  5. Put 1 Táblespoon of cornstárch into food sáfe plástic bág.
  6. Dump sweet potáto fries into bág, blow some áir into it, ánd sháke bág until fries áre coáted.
  7. Pláce fries on cookie sheet, drizzle with á couple Táblespoons of olive oil.
  8. Toss fries until evenly coáted with oil.
  9. árránge on cookie sheet(s) with lots of spáce in between fries to prevent steáming.
  10. Cook in hot oven for 15 minutes then check.
  11. The fries will releáse from the pán when they're reády to flip the sáme wáy á steák would.
  12. Flip fries, ánd continue to cook for ánother 5-10 minutes.
  13. (cooking time depends greátly on the quálity of your báking sheet so keep án eye on them)
  14. Dipping Sáuce: Mix together máyo, pepper ánd Sriráchá sáuce. ádjust to your táste.

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