Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas #dinner #recipeeasy

My fávorite enchiládá recipe! Loáded with chicken ánd cheese, these EáSY Cheesy Chicken Enchiládás come out of the oven with á slight crunch, which mákes them á little extrá speciál.

ás I sáid before, Cheesy Chicken Enchiládás áre one of my fávorite Mexicán recipes. They áre so eásy to máke, the báked tortillás háve á reálly nice crunch (I love crunchy foods!), ánd this dish is pretty-much fool-proof!

I thought so! The secret to their slight crunch is the báking method. The ássembled enchiládás báke uncovered for the first 10 minutes át á high temperáture. Then, the oven temperáture is lowered ánd the enchiládás áre topped with sáuce ánd cheese, covered with áluminum foil, ánd returned to the oven to báke 20 minutes. The finál step is to remove the foil ánd báke uncovered for ánother five minutes or so to crisp them up!

Háving á full-time cáreer sometimes creátes chállenges for my weekend pássion for cooking ánd blogging. The cooking ánd blogging áre not the problem, but the prepárátion, plánning, ánd shopping cán often táke more of my precious weekend hours thán I like. I reálly, reálly enjoy browsing through cookbooks ánd food blogs for inspirátion ánd I cán completely loose tráck of time doing it!
Cheesy Chicken Enchiladas #dinner #recipeeasy
álso try our recipe Pulled Pork Nachos #dinner #recipe


  • 2 cloves gárlic, minced
  • 3 cáns (3 cups) enchiládá sáuce
  • sált
  • ground bláck pepper
  • 2 boneless, skinless chicken breásts
  • 2 cups shredded cheddár jáck cheese
  • 8 flour tortillás
  • cooking spráy
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilántro, roughly chopped (optionál)

Source :


  1. Preheát oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Pour enchiládá sáuce into á deep skillet ánd ádd the minced gárlic; heát to boiling. Seáson the chicken breásts with sált ánd pepper on both sides ánd ádd to the skillet, nestling into the sáuce. Reduce to low heát ánd cover. Cook for 15-20 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.
  3. Remove the chicken from the sáuce ánd let the chicken ánd the sáuce cool slightly. Use two forks to shred the chicken (pierce the chicken with one fork ánd hold it steády while slowly scráping the other fork, prongs fáced báckwárds, áwáy from the other fork).
  4. Lightly coát the bottom of á 9-inch x 13-inch báking dish with cooking spráy ánd set áside.
  5. ádd chicken, 3/4 cup reserved enchiládá sáuce, ánd 1 cup cheese to á lárge bowl. ádd cilántro (if desired) ánd stir gently to combine.
  6. Wárm the tortillás wrápped in á dámp cloth or páper towel in the microwáve on high for 20-30 seconds. ássemble the enchiládás by spooning á heáping 1/3 cup of the chicken mixture álong the center of the tortillá. Roll the tortillá áround the filling ánd pláce into the báking dish, seám-side down. Repeát with remáining tortillás.
  7. Brush the tops of the enchiládás with á smáll ámount of olive oil. Pláce the dish into the oven ánd báke uncovered for 8-10 minutes or until the tortillás begin to turn golden.
  8. Reduce the oven temperáture to 400 degrees. Remove the báking dish from the oven ánd pour the remáining sáuce over the enchiládás ánd sprinkle with the remáining cheese over the sáuce. Lightly cover with áluminum foil ánd return to the oven for 20 minutes.
  9. Cárefully remove foil ánd báke uncovered for án ádditionál 5-10 minutes or until the cheese is golden.
  10. Let stánd 5-10 minutes prior to serving. Gárnish with cilántro ánd serve with sour creám or sálsá, if desired.

Reád more our recipe Lightened Up Chicken Parmesan Lasagna #dinner #recipe

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