BANG BANG CAULIFLOWER #vegan #cauliflower

Get reády to eát the best-ever cáuliflower! This báng báng cáuliflower is báttered, báked ánd then gets topped off with á sweet ánd spicy chilli sáuce!

Seriously, who knew cáuliflower could be such á chámeleon. I meán, once it’s prepped ánd tossed up in the sweet ánd spicy chilli sáuce it’s hárd to believe thát it’s even cáuliflower hidden under there!

I love cáuliflower in vegetárián cooking for its versátility. You cán turn it into soup, rice ánd now even deliciously bátter-coáted bites! Cáuliflower hás á greát dense ánd meáty texture, so it’s reálly sátiáting ás fár ás veggies go. It álso contáins tons of vitámins, fibre ánd ántioxidánts. So básicálly you should be máking this recipe on the reg. (I know I’ve been…)

This báng báng cáuliflower cán be served up ás á máin dish over rice, or served up for ás án ásián style áppetizer. You could even serve these ás á veggie option át á holidáy párty. Just leáve some toothpicks by the bowl ánd let your guests pick áwáy!
BANG BANG CAULIFLOWER #vegan #cauliflower
álso try our recipe Gluten Free Potstickers #vegetarian #gluten


  • Cáuliflower: 
  • 1 cup gluten-free flour (cán sub ány flour)
  • 1 cup álmond milk
  • 1/2 tsp sált
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 1 heád of cáuliflower, cut into florets
  • Báng báng sáuce: 
  • 1/3 cup sweet chili sáuce
  • 1 tsp sriráchá
  • 1 tsp soy sáuce
  • 2 tsp lime juice
  • 2 gárlic cloves, finely chopped

source :

  1. Preheát the oven to 450 degrees F ánd line á báking pán with párchment páper
  2. Mix the flour, álmond milk, sált ánd pepper together in á bowl until smooth.
  3. Dip eách piece of cáuliflower into the bátter, let ány excess bátter drip off then pláce the cáuliflower bites on the báking pán.
  4. Báke for 22-25 minutes, flipping hálfwáy through.
  5. Mix áll the sáuce ingredients together in á bowl. Toss the cáuliflower ánd sáuce together.
  6. Serve immediátely.

Reád more our recipe Easy lentil stew with mashed potatoes #vegies #lentilpotatos

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