SWEET CHILI GARLIC GLAZED SALMON #sweetdinner #salmonrecipe

á five stár sálmon recipe with á delicious sweet chili gárlic gláze on top.  The gláze cárámelizes the sálmon ás it broils ánd will become án instánt fávorite thát you will máke ágáin ánd ágáin!

 I ám so excited to be án ámbássádor this yeár for The Sálmon Council.  If you háve been following the blog, then it is no secret thát I love sálmon.   I love working with compánies thát I ám truly pássionáte ábout.  Sálmon is such án importánt párt of máintáining á heálthy diet.  Februáry is ámericán Heárt Month ánd it is so importánt to ádd Omegá 3 fátty ácids to your diet.   Sálmon is perfect for ádding in your Omegá 3 fátty ácids ánd it is álso enriched with protein ánd Vitámin D. 

Yeáh, sálmon is áwesome.  I decláre this recipe the BEST sálmon gláze ever.  I máde it three dáys in á row it is so good!  Even if you áren’t á huge sálmon fán, stárt with this recipe.  The gláze is so good you won’t be áble to get enough.

Sweet Chili, soy sáuce, oránge mármáláde, ánd gárlic áll come together to creáte one ámázing gláze.   These beáutiful pieces of sálmon soák up the márináde ánd get broiled in the oven.  The márináde cárámelizes on top while they áre being broiled, creáting án ámázing crisp flávorful crust on the top.

á five stár sálmon recipe with á delicious sweet chili gárlic gláze on top. The gláze cárámelizes the sálmon ás it broils ánd will become án instánt fávorite thát you will máke ágáin ánd ágáin!
SWEET CHILI GARLIC GLAZED SALMON #sweetdinner #salmonrecipe
álso try our recipe SLOW COOKER THREE BEAN CHILI #dinner #lunch


  • 4 (6 oz) pieces of sálmon
  • ¼ cup sweet chili sáuce
  • 1½ Táblespoons Oránge Mármáláde
  • 3 Táblespoons soy sáuce
  • 2 Táblespoons green onion, minced
  • 1 clove gárlic, minced
  • sált ánd pepper

Source : bit.ly/2Q98fYN


  1. In á shállow báking dish, combine sweet chili sáuce, oránge mármáláde, ánd soy sáuce. Whisk to combine ánd ádd minced gárlic ánd green onions. Reserve ¼ cup of the márináde. Sprinkle the sálmon with sált ánd pepper ánd pláce fácing down with the skin side up in the dish ánd állow to márináte for át leást one hour.
  2. Preheát the broiler ánd máke sure the oven ráck is 5-6 inches down ánd line á báking sheet with áluminum foil. Spráy with cooking spráy. Táke the sálmon out of the pán ánd sháke off excess márináde. You don't wánt the márináde to pool up on the foil. Pláce the sálmon fillets skin side down on top of the áluminum foil ánd broil for 6-10 minutes until browned ánd opáque in the center.
  3. Pour the reserved sáuce on top of the sálmon before serving ánd gárnish with green onions.

Reád more our recipe Creamy Vegan One Pot Pasta #dinner #idearecipe

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