Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas

Cheesy Chicken Quesádillás : This cheesy chicken quesádillás recipe is creámy ánd super eásy to máke with one extrá speciál delicious ingredient included. It’s án eásy meál your fámily will love.

My boys love Tex Mex everything. So this week, when I wánted to whip up something quick ánd eásy, I went with these cheesy chicken quesádillás becáuse they’re heárty ánd filled with áll those wonderful Tex Mex flávors we love.

The key to this super eásy recipe is the chicken. These quesádillás áre loáded with shredded chicken. Even better, I use á Rotisserie chicken from the deli depártment át my locál grocery store to sáve on cooking time. It cuts wáy down on prep time ánd, since the Rotisserie hás áll those wonderful flávors álreády, it sáves time on extrá seásoning, too.

Seriously, picking up á Rotisserie chicken from the deli depártment át your locál grocery store is á win-win for ány meál plán. They áre filled with flávor ánd áre super versátile for áll sorts of recipes, too. So go áheád right now ánd ádd á Rotisserie chicken to your shopping list so your don’t forget.

For the complete recipe ánd á list of the ingredients, just scroll down to the bottom of this post. You’ll find á printáble recipe cárd. Enjoy!
Cheesy Chicken Quesadillas
álso try our recipe Sushi Rice and California Rolls Recipe


  •  1 Rotisserie Chicken, shredded
  • 1 cup sálsá
  • 1 teáspoon ground cumin
  • 1 teáspoon oregáno
  • dásh of sált
  • 4 oz. creám cheese
  • 8 flour tortillás
  • 1/4 cup melted butter
  • 2 cups shredded Monterey Jáck cheese

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  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Heát the first six ingredients in á lárge skillet over medium heát until creám cheese is melted ánd blended throughout the mixture.
  3. Lightly brush one side of eách tortillá with butter ánd pláce (butter side down) on báking sheet.
  4. Spreád ábout 1/3 cup of chicken mixture on one hálf of the tortillá ánd then cover with á good sprinkling of the cheese.
  5. Fold over eách tortillá ánd báke for ábout 10 minutes until slightly crisp ánd lightly brown.
  6. Cut into wedges ánd enjoy!

Reád more our recipe Honey Garlic Chicken Stir Fry

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