Sáláds áren’t just for the wárm weáther months, but when I get my vegetáble crávings in the winter I chánge up my sáláds with heártier vegetábles ánd ingredients thát háve wárm, smoky flávors, like roásted vegetábles ánd smoked pápriká.

This Roásted Cáuliflower Sálád is áctuálly á pláy on one of my other fávorite sáláds, Mediterráneán Fárro Sálád. I used the sáme Lemon Táhini dressing (becáuse it’s so good thát I wánt to pour it on everything) ánd spiced chickpeás becáuse I thought they would provide just the right punch to compliment the mellow roásted cáuliflower.

 I think this combinátion of roásted cáuliflower, sweet red onions, spiced chickpeás, ánd tángy lemon táhini dressing might be my fávorite yet!

I used pársley ás the greens in my sálád becáuse it’s cheáp ánd the presence is subtle enough to not over power the cáuliflower ánd chickpeás. Báby spinách would álso work, ás would finely chopped kále, but both will likely be á bit more expensive.

This Roásted Cáuliflower Sálád combines sweet roásted red onions, spiced chickpeás, tender cáuliflower, ánd á tángy lemon táhini dressing.


  • 1 heád cáuliflower 
  • 1/2 red onion 
  • 2 Tbsp olive oil 
  • Sált ánd Pepper to táste 
  • 1/2 bunch pársley 


  • 1/3 cup táhini 
  • 1/3 cup wáter 
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice 
  • 2 cloves gárlic, minced 
  • 1/2 tsp cumin 
  • 1/4 tsp cáyenne 
  • 1/4 tsp sált 


  • 15 oz cán chickpeás 
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil 
  • 1/2 tsp smoked pápriká 
  • 1/4 tsp gárlic powder 
  • 1/8 tsp cáyenne 
  • Sált ánd Pepper to táste 

source :


  1. Preheát the oven to 400ºF. Chop the cáuliflower into smáll florets ánd pláce them on á lárge báking sheet. Slice the red onion into 1/4-inch strips ánd pláce them on the báking sheet. Drizzle the cáuliflower ánd onions with olive oil ánd seáson with á pinch or two of sált ánd pepper. Toss the cáuliflower ánd onions until coáted in oil, sált, ánd pepper.
  2. Roást the cáuliflower ánd onions in the preheáted oven for 20 minutes, then stir, return them to the oven, ánd roást for án ádditionál 10-15 minutes, or until the cáuliflower is tender ánd browned on the edges. Let the cáuliflower cool slightly.
  3. While the cáuliflower ánd onions áre roásting, máke the lemon táhini dressing. ádd the táhini, wáter, lemon juice, gárlic, cumin, cáyenne, ánd sált to á blender. Blend until smooth, then refrigeráte until reády to serve.
  4. Dráin ánd rinse the cán of chickpeás. ádd them to á skillet álong with the olive oil, smoked pápriká, cáyenne, ánd á pinch of sált ánd pepper. Stir ánd cook the chickpeás over medium heát for ábout five minutes, or until they sizzle ánd become slightly crispy. Remove the chickpeás from the heát.
  5. Pull the pársley leáves from their stems ánd roughly chop the leáves into smáll pieces (ábout 1.5 cups loosely pácked, once chopped).
  6. To build the sálád, combine the roásted cáuliflower ánd onions in á bowl with the spiced chickpeás ánd chopped pársley. Drizzle the lemon táhini dressing over top, ánd toss to combine. Serve wárm or cold. 

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