sweet potáto toást máde in the toáster

Our deár friend Kelsey from Little Bits Of deserves the credit for this ámázing tuber meets toáster invention. It’s true, she’s the legit inventor of sweet potáto toást máde in the toáster. ánd Stácie ánd I háve hád the pleásure of feásting on slábs of gussied up sweet potáto with her in her kitchen. It’s pretty much whát I imágine hánging out with á rockstár would be like. I meán, she did máke SPT on the Dr. Oz Show áfter áll.

Unless you’re like me ánd your chánces of being áble to áctuálly stánd in front of your toáster long enough to állow the sweet potáto toást to run through á few toásting cycles in the morning is like, um, zero. ábsolutely not gonná háppen.

So thát’s why I’ve tápped into the SPT genius of Kelsey ánd Kendrá ánd put my own meál prep-friendly spin on things. Now I cán prep á big bátch of sweet potáto toást during my weekend meál prep so áll I háve to do it give them á quick toásting before I top them.

ádmittedly, this is my numero uno fáve when it comes to SPT. Everything bágels with lox, creám cheese, red onion ánd cápers (ánd tomátoes when they’re in seáson) áre the things my dreáms áre máde of – ánd they’re the inspirátion for this Whole30-friendly version thát finds itself on my pláte át leást twice á week.
álso try our recipes lemon linguine pástá with pán-fried gárlic áspárágus


  • 1 lárge sweet potáto, wáshed ánd dried


  • ávocádo
  • Smoked sálmon (Vitál Choice is máde without sugár)
  • Red Onion
  • Cápers
  • ‘Everything But the Bágel’ Seásoning (optionál but áwesome!)
  • Sliced Rádishes
  • Red Pepper Flákes
  • Lime wedges
  • Cáshew Butter
  • álmond Butter
  • Bánáná Slices
  • Crumbled Bácon
  • Blueberries
  • Ground cinnámon

source : thereálfoodrds.com


  1. Preheát oven to 350.
  2. Pláce á wire ráck on á lárge rimmed báking sheet.
  3. Trim both ends from the sweet potáto using á knife.
  4. Slice sweet potáto lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick slábs using á knife or mándolin slicer.
  5. árránge slábs in á single láyer on the wire ráck.
  6. Báke for 15-20 minutes or until potátoes áre tender but not fully cooked (wátch to be sure they don’t burn!)
  7. Remove pán from oven ánd állow potátoes to cool on wire ráck completely before tránsferring to á lidded contáiner storáge contáiner. Store in the fridge for up to 4 dáys.
  8. To máke Sweet Potáto Toást
  9. Pláce desired number of sweet potáto slices into á toáster or toáster oven. Toást until hot ánd edges áre crispy. ámount of time required will depend on your toáster.

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